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Our Registered Acupuncturist may perform a variety of technqiues during an appointment such as application of acupuncture needles, therapeutic massage, tuina massage, guasha, cupping, moxibustion treatment, thermal therapy treatment, and electric stimulation treatment according to the patients situation. These techniques stimulate overall blood circulation, supporting certain bodily functions that may be lacking. There are no side effects.


While all acupuncture techniques have roots in traditional Chinese medicine, they are now practiced throughout the world and are recognized by the Health Professions Act. Appointements can be claimed on your extended health coverage. ICBC also recognizes the benefit and we can directly bill ICBC for you if you have an active claim.


Our Registered Acupuncturist is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. He stays present in the treatment room at all times and stays engaged with his patients throughout each treatment.


Appointments at Kinetic Energy are indicated if:


(a) you suffer from acute or chronic muscular pain such as headaches/migraines, back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia or joint pain.


(b) you would like to reduce stress and/or anxiety.


(c) you suffer from insomnia, open-mouth sleeping, snoring.


(d) you are looking to explore Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques for concerns related to the digestive system, endocrine system, lymphatic system.


(e) you are looking to reduce the intensity of menapause symptoms such as easing hot flashes, night sweats, stress and insomnia, as well as certain disorders relating to mood and digestion.


(f) you are looking to improve menstral health such as cramps, spotting or excessive bleeding, amenorrhea (loss of period).


(g) you are looking to improve female reproductive functioning and fertility.


(h) you are looking to use acupuncture as a component to a treatment-plan recommended by your physician to aid in quitting smoking or other addictions.


(i) you have extended benefits for acupuncture and you're interested in giving it a try!



Acupuncture / Traditional Chiniese Medicine:


We offer 60 minute Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM) Appointments


We offer ICBC- Funded Appointments if you have an active ICBC Claim


We offer 60 Minute Combo Appointments with Tuina Massage, Cupping and Acupuressure


Direct Billing is available for all appointment types

Our Acupuncturist:


Kal Lee


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